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Eno Sarris Baseball Chat
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The grandparents have the baby and the wife's making coffee. It's gonna be alright. That's right, ol' Snarfle has reproduced!
Eno Sarris
Congratulations on the Snarflet!
should i plan a trip to vermont to snowboard, drink sweet vermont beer, and eat pizza? y/n/m
Eno Sarris
The yessest.
The projection systems I have come across (however accurate) do not provide any indication of precision. Are there any projections that provide an error range. For example, Mike Trout would projected for 35 +/- 10 Hrs. This information would help evaluate upside and downside.
Eno Sarris
Did you listen to my last pod? Because yes. This would help build a team that has mixed variance.
Hi Eno, I'm using Baseball savant's Average Exit velo on LD and FB to try to find players who might be due for a bump to their HR/FB. Are you aware of any literature attempting to put HR/FB on an age curve?
Eno Sarris
Look at my piece on undervaluing sluggers. It's bad. HR/fB goes straight down.
Re: Miller. I find the subjective ranking of various booths to be interesting. I can't stand to listen to more than a couple minutes of any of the SFG announcers, and yet they consistently rank at the top of generalized rankings. I find Krukow/Kuiper to be the absolute worst booth extant, and I scramble for the remote if I hear their voices. Miller's not that far behind. On the other hand while I don't love him, Hawk Harrelson is entirely listenable, his inane hatred of "numbers" aside. What makes a good/bad booth in your estimation? Voice, content, or je ne sais quoi?
Eno Sarris
I really like Miller's voice. I agree that the content is not always amazing. Flemming is good for me on content, Boog Sciambi, Jesse Agler, and I know when we start to see Mike Ferrin, the content will be great. Ferrin actually has the upside for me to put together the best voice and content combo. But when I say Miller, it's because when I hear him I am instantly calmed and focused by the tone of his voice. This may be tied into my history of hearing him in the past.
Eno, do agree with August Fagerstrom's assessment of Carlos Gonzalez? In summary, maybe more of a platoon player this coming season and continued regression.
Eno Sarris
I think a one year platoon split may be overstating his flaws in that department. I'm a little more worried about taking him out of Coors, and the declining defense super obvious.
Alex in Austin
Do you ever notice how people become connoisseurs of vices like wine, beer or cigars? Where they don't do the same with apple juices or smoothie drinks or healthier food alternatives? Is this a way to justify the bad habit? I guess people do the same with coffee...
Eno Sarris
I think I might have tried every yogurt in the yogurt aisle.
pirates hurdles
Odds that a 21 year old is going to like IPAs without some gateway (less hoppy) beer = 0.
Eno Sarris
My 21 year old self would have words with you. Sierra Nevada was my college beer.
I just read a stupid SI article grading the Brewers off-season. Basically went like, "didn't get any good prospects from anyone, they should trade Lucroy in the middle of the summer." Gave a bad grade. Obviously they didn't actually do much research. What would be your grade?
Eno Sarris
Better than that because they did their work last season. I do this in fantasy leagues too. Instead of trying to rebuild in the offseason with every other jabroni, I make good deals at the deadline and get more for what I'm selling, or at least that's the idea.
But I guess if you're just grading the offeason, it's been meh.
Hannah Hochevar
I know everyone's ragging on the O's off-season, but we did sign Joey Terdo... Terdoslav... Terdos... ... turds.
Eno Sarris
Apparently it's turDAWsovlich, but ... yeah I see that every time I see the name.
The senator, between moments of lucidity, seemed to forget who I was, arguing fiercely with me about Tolstoy, though I have not read him, and my question was about bankruptcy courts. A pale whisky sneered at me from the shelf.
The Dude of NY
Weird Offseason Fact #4: The A's have made 3 FA MLB signings. The Yankees have made none.
Weekly Eovaldi Question
Weekly Eovaldi Question
Eno Sarris
had to stretch for that one
Prince Wednesday
To your knowledge, has anyone done an analysis to attempt to determine which projection system (including composite)is most accurate?
Eno Sarris
yeah it's out there. Gotta google. From what I've seen, Steamer does really well.
Mike Podhorzer's human-made projections once won.
Not sure if you're a prospects guy, but do you have any thoughts on the Rangers Nomar Mazara? He looks like a future star, but I'm not sure if I'm just being a Rangers homer.
Eno Sarris
I think his floor is super high, but I'm not sure about the ceiling. He might be a good avg/obp/decent corner OF defense but 20 homer guy. Maybe a Matt Holliday? Wait, that's p/v good.
hey buddy! i traded buxton and tapia for AJ Pollock in a dynasty league. How bad did I overpay (Pollock fits my offense/team really well)?
Eno Sarris
As far as I"m concerned, it was two maybes for a sure thing.
Cards are a great fit, they would just have to flip Matt Adams for a OF bat like CarGo!!!
Eno Sarris
I think this is not crazy, but it isn't really how the Cards have worked.
Already keeping Correa, Machado, Springer and Betts. Who should I keep as my 5th, Sano, Freeman, Cano, Heyward, Felix, or Gray? Leaning toward Sano
Eno Sarris
Yes and wow
When considering the players' share of revenues, has there been anything driving up other costs to account for their percentage decrease? If not, are we looking at the first labor war in baseball since 1994?
Eno Sarris
yes, I think there is. Bonuses and retirement benefits and things that don't show up in straight salary look. That's what's been told to me by people I trust, and obviously it would be weird if the MLBPA leader thought it was 50/50ish still and it wasn't.
Royals get Gallardo, Kennedy, or neither?
Eno Sarris
Kennedy is the best fit for me.