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Eno Sarris Baseball Chat
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Theory: Pitchers who pitch down in the zone have higher HR/FB rates since pitching down leads to more GBs, but also may make it more likely to avoid high fly balls/pop ups so more flies end up at a good angle for HRs. Thoughts?
Eno Sarris
This has been worked on, and partially supported, if I remember right. But also very much refuted. Hard to figure. But hitter's planes these days are set up to hit fly balls, which makes for a good matchup against GB pitchers. FB hitters hit better vs GB pitchers than FB pitchers.
Bridgeport Justin
As someone who lives right near US Cellular Field, I'm pretty excited for your upcoming book. Maybe you've answered this, but how much of a distance radius are you going with for local craft beer bars near stadiums?
Eno Sarris
Basic premise is: Where would you have to go in the state/city if you were going to go to one brewery/beer bar? Where would you go in the city proper? And what kind of a crawl could you do on the way in to the stadium?
Piscotty sounds like a dessert
Zaun thinks that Travis needed more reps in the minors before coming up and getting his spot back as starting at 2nd and that Barney has earned to play everyday, thoughts? Travis' bat seems more attractive to me
Eno Sarris
I'd play Travis.
old tex
With Urias up, is kershaw the Dodger's 2nd best lefty now?
Eno Sarris
hole up
Should the Pirates look to trade Cutch this offseason? Meadows could be ready as soon as this time next year, so they'd only need to bridge a few months. Could be a good way to restock a farm that will graduate some pretty top talent in the next year.
Eno Sarris
Isn't that more likely than an extension?
Would it ever be the case that looking at a team's record against "good teams" (defined however is most useful) could be more informative than looking at their overall record? Is there a profile of a team that beats up bad teams but is unlikely to win a playoff series? Or is this a case of preferring the bigger sample?
Eno Sarris
It's possible that a team with good depth could win more games that others would lose due to normal attrition, and then be at a disadvantage in a playoff series. So I suppose a team with good fourth and fifth starters but not great 1-3 could fit that profile.
Since pitcher fWAR uses FIP, isn't it kind of flawed? Say a pitcher finished a season with a 3.00 ERA but a 4.50 FIP. His WAR won't really reflect his season of dominance, will it?
Eno Sarris
The problem with most pitcher WARs is the problem of knowing how much credit to give the pitcher and how much credit to give the team behind him. That's true of looking back or looking forward.
I'm in a complete rebuild and the Garrett Richard's owner has some interest in my players - is it worth trading for Richards with his impending TJ surgery, and if so, what level player should I be looking to acquire for him?
Eno Sarris
Sure. A boring veteran that could be useful this year but you wouldn't want in your keeper set next year.
Ringtone Composer
Let this serve as your annual reminder that I work with a guy named Luder.
Fangraphic Artist
The nickname "Too Tall" for Ed "Too Tall" Jones (ex-Cowboys player) really takes a while to hit you. But once you think about it, it's the best damn nickname ever. I imagine his whole life people underestimated him. Why? Cuz he's just too damn tall.
Rounded out the homebrew lineup:
SP – Jimmy Nelson Sauvin Pale Ale
C – Trevor Brown Ale
1B – Justin Smoak’d Porter
2B – Darwin Barleywine
SS – Troy Berlinerwitzski
3B – Brett Saison Lawrie
LF – Kyle Schwarzbier
CF – Anthony Gose
RF – Kolsch Calhoun
Eno Sarris
Fantastic interlude.
You buying into Samardzija improvements from last year? The Giants effect makes me believe.
Eno Sarris
Splitter improved movement recently, and he's showing better command and velocity recently. I think he's a good pairing with Righetti. I was wrong!
OddBall Herrera
Am I crazy to think that a totally reachable season for Buster Posey's left handed clone Joe Panik (.300/10-15/10-15) is what we would reasonably expect from a successful Dansby Swanson? And in that sense, isn't it a little silly that everyone is so excited about the latter, yet the former is often an afterthought?
Eno Sarris
This happens v often.
Focal Banger > Heady, there I said it!!
Eno Sarris
Very many beers > Heady!
carlos Rodon FB velo way up last 3, what to expect RoS?
Eno Sarris
Weird so he's back on track. Gotta be good news paired with improved command. Buy if he's out there.
Vaya Con Dios
What would you say to the Mazara doubters that point to his hard %, babip, gb rate and so on? I see a guy who continues to get better after some initial soft hit luck.
Eno Sarris
Read my ESPN story today.
Merv Throneberry
Straily The Man on Reds The Team....anything to get excited about or does the team negate the accomplishments?
Eno Sarris
He's good! A little more deep league good, but he'll get strikeouts and do decently in the NL.
I've got a Urias tract infection!
Ol Sea Capn
Desperate times call for Urias.
is urias winking at me
Eno Sarris
Didn't even have to look that hard.
Soop sok
Alex Reyes next in line should a spot open in the rotation?
Eno Sarris
I suppose so, but that walk rate suggests it might not be Easy Street from the Get Go.
Von Schloss
Are their any team clubhouses that generally seem to be more friendly toward talking the saber-related side of baseball?