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Klawchat 10/19/17
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Edmonton is 900 miles south of Yellowknife!  And has a great ball park and had a terrific run in PCL for 24 years.
Keith Law
It's really far from other PCL teams, and the weather isn't great for baseball.
Worldwide Leader
Any changes on the horizon for you professionally? Seems like you're one of the few ESPN Insiders still publishing...
Keith Law
Insider decisions are made above my paygrade. I'm still under contract for a while.
Any thoughts on the Nationals' complete lack of post-season success? Bad luck? Poor managing? All of the above?
Keith Law
Bad luck more than anything. Dusty didn't help this year, what with batting a sub-replacement level player 2nd in the lineup, but I can't pin the loss on him.
Did you ever read "The Magicians" trilogy?  I have been enjoying it immensely as a send-up of Potter/Narnia but also as a really enjoyable fantasy story in its own right.
Keith Law
Yep, loved it, reviews here on the site.
Fair to assume that the Marlins will be filled with known Jeter loyalists like Posada and Pettite in key roles?
Keith Law
Doesn't it seem that way? It's not as if he did an exhaustive search before hiring Denbo.
If a player is diagnosed with ADHD and is prescribed adderall are they allowed to take it or will they get suspended for banned substances.
Keith Law
They can apply for a TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption). Something like 1 in 7 MLB players has a TUE for an ADHD drug, which means that more than 10% of the league is using speed, legally.
Half way through book 12 of dance to music of time and it's been an enjoyable journey. Did you read all 12 books straight through or break it up by reading other books in between? I had to break it up to make the length not feel so overwhelming.
Keith Law
I broke it up, reading about one a month.
Justin Y
Super impressed by Albies down the stretch. Does he have 20 hr a season power in his prime?
Keith Law
With this ball, absolutely. With a regular ball, I might have said 15.
Have you seen the story about the Long Beach restaurant serving reheated Popeyes?
Keith Law
No, but that is fantastic.
Anything new on the situation in Atlanta?  Do you think they lose players (Maitan) or receive significant penalties?
Keith Law
I haven't heard anything I think I could print. There is a lot of unsourced speculation out there, including claims of criminal activity (which I believe team execs denied when they forced Coppolella and Blakely out), and I'm inclined to doubt everything until MLB weighs in.
Your liberal social stance sucks
Keith Law
Yes, I'm truly a terrible person for believing in science and supporting equal rights for everyone.
yo knows
Is there enough of a track record for the type of injury Urias had to have an idea of whether he's going to be back where he was?
Keith Law
The limited number of players who've had that surgery should make you very pessimistic. He may be done. In fact, I think it's at least even money that he is. And that, Ed, is something that actually sucks.
There was a Fangraphs Community article recently that said a pitch at the corners was %25 more likely to be called a strike in a 3-0 count than an 0-2 count. That's infuriating! Pace of play is a huge issue, why are we needlessly extending at bats? Robot umpires now!
Keith Law
That was in the book Scorecasting, published maybe five years ago. And yes, it's ridiculous.
Blue Jay Way
Ryan Borucki good enough to make Toronto rotation next year?  Top 100 consideration?
Keith Law
He is a prospect, but I don't think he's ready and he's not a top 100 guy now.
Gene Mullett
Cleveland has drafted a lot better over the past few seasons, but the results they've had in trades (Santana, Kluber, Carrasco, & Bauer for example) are pretty remarkable.  Is there an org that you think excels in asset management?
Keith Law
I think the Astros have done a remarkable job both in the draft and in finding low-level talent in trades, although the scout responsible for several of those finds (including Martes) just left for the Diamondbacks.
Best Dominion expansion outside of Intrigue?
Keith Law
Seaside really changes the game for the better, IMO.
Hi Keith, Are you planning on playing Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 and what is your opinion of legacy games in general?
Keith Law
My daughter and I are still on April of S1. It's just hard for me, since I have to play so many new games to review, to play one game 12+ times, but the concept is great - really, anything that gets more people into the hobby is fine with me.
Keith, playing devil's advocate here, I know you've advocated the Yankees trading Didi away to make room for Torres, but wouldn't that be insanely risky for a contender to do? Didi's not a star, but he's a 3-4 win SS, and as good as Torres might look, he's played just 55 games above High A. It seems like, at best, there's a decent chance he never becomes the player Didi is right now, and that move would certainly make the Yankees worse-off in the short run (depending on the return for Didi, I guess).
Keith Law
I disagree that "there's a decent chance he never becomes" a 3-4 WAR player. Very few shortstop prospects his age with his track record and favorable scouting reports have whiffed entirely like that. How often has the industry completely missed on a player who was a top prospect at 15 and then performed right out of the chute?
Re: expansion, I have always been confused at how Atlanta is the only team in the South (excluding Florida). North Carolina, New Orleans and Tennessee support other big-4 franchises, yet never seem to be considered for Major League expansion.
Keith Law
Other sports don't require the attendance or local population (for TV revenues) MLB does. I believe New Orleans' MSA would be the smallest in MLB. Nashville's would be in the bottom five.
And again, why are so many high on the Braves when their 2016 J2 class has underwhelmed and they have no other bats aside from Acuna and Pache.
Keith Law
Answered last week. They have a tremendous amount of pitching, and there are other J2 guys from 2016 beyond Maitan who have promise.