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Klawchat 11/9/17
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Cooking question.  Is it safe to feed a toddler food cooked with wine (braised, risotto, etc.)?  I see so much conflicting information online.
Keith Law
Yes. Most of the alcohol will cook out - it evaporates at about 173 F. And a batch of risotto should use 1/2 cup of wine, which works out to about 14 ml of alcohol. Even if your toddler ate the entire batch, well, he'd get sick from all that rice first.
I need to wrap this up to pick up my car from the mechanic's. Thank you for all of your questions and for reading all the content I've put together this week. I should be back next Thursday for a chat, and there will be a video chat as usual when I spatchcock the turkey before Thanksgiving. Have a safe weekend, everyone.