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Jeffrey Todd
Fan in MT
Not from another country but Montana is pretty far from any team, What can the twins realistically expect from Buxton?
Jeffrey Todd
Lucky for you I love the mountain west ... I see him as a guy like Arodys Vizcaino, who I addressed before. Quite different, of course, but analogous in their situation in that you can't afford to give up on the guy for what his market value might be at present. If you're the Twins, you have to be the one to roll the dice on the talent at this point.
Do you ever interact with players? If so, how are they? I won't ask for names on who's a big ol' jerk but are there any out there who are just total class acts?
Jeffrey Todd
Some of the guys I interviewed for the podcast were more reserved than others, etc, but none were jerks. And some were just plain awesome.
I'll use this to give a shout to Burke Badenhop, who was very cool and did some really interesting stuff for us.
Okay, I'm due to hang with my kids and they are upset at me for being on the computer.
How can I explain to them what I am even doing right now?
Ha, thanks for chatting y'all. Let's do it again next week.