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Ray Fittipaldo's Steelers chat: 11.20.17
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Ray Fittipaldo
Let's get started.
She Had Man Hands
Just curious after watching the Eagles last night...what would the Steelers do, in-game, if Boswell were injured? Can Berry kick off/kick field goals?
Ray Fittipaldo
Every team has someone designated in the event of an emergency. For most teams it's the punter.
Tom Tracy
Any bet on activating Cam Sutton?
Ray Fittipaldo
I think they will activate him. The deadline is tomorrow. I asked him after practice and he said he hadn't heard yet. But I think they will put him on the 53.
Ray, with the Steelers clicking on  all cylinders right now, do you think they are finding their mojo on both sides of the ball now? This team was a completely different team in the second half and some parts of the first as well. Lots of red zone and scoring opportunities. Defense is just phenomenal. What are the biggest areas of need right now to improve on? I feel rbis team has yet to hit their true potential STILL. Thoughts?
Ray Fittipaldo
I would say they're clicking on all cylinders based off one performance on a Thursday night. That was good to see for the offense, but I still have a lot of questions about that side of the ball. The red-zone issues persist. Still questions about the passing game and even the running game. The Tennessee game was a good start. They need to be that consistent every week.
Hearing that Cameron Sutton is going to be activated. Is Gilbert playing or ready to play anytime soon? Injury report as of today?
Ray Fittipaldo
No injury report today. They don't have to issue one today. The first one of the week will be Wednesday. A few guys did not practice today, but it's unclear if they were being rested or sat out with injuries.
Finish drives with touchdowns and possess the ball to keep it away from Brady. And play effective pass defense against him whether that's man, zone, switching between the two with some ability to make him think twice. If they do that they'll have a shot.
With the Steelers and Patriots both looking like freaks of nature, what do the Steelers need to do in order to beat New England? Every time we play Brady, that worries me. How are they going to stop him, and get to where they want to be come playoff time?
Ray Fittipaldo
Question to previous answer
Did Todd Haley change up his play calling? Whatever he did, he sure turned it around.
Ray Fittipaldo
Haley did a nice job on a short week to get that offense ready. I think the no huddle helped. Getting a lead helped. It's easier to call plays with the lead. Getting the ball in the opponent's territory three or four times also helped.
SoFlo Steeler
Any time frame on when Haden can come back?
Ray Fittipaldo
I still think it's 3-4 week time frame. He hasn't been around much to ask him. Obviously, he didn't practice today.
Any truth that Ben called the majority of the plays Thursday night during no huddle (I'm sure the OC still tells him what plays to run through the helmet)?  Will they continue to do this at home for the remaining games and playoffs (especially if they have home-field)?
Ray Fittipaldo
I think it's easier to do at home, and it was successful for them so I would imagine they'd try it again. I do think Roethlisberger is more comfortable in the no huddle for whatever reason. Things just seem to flow better for him. But I don't think it's going to be something they do full-time.
Do you see any games left that the Steelers could potentially play down to the opponent's level-i.e. Packers, Browns and cost them a chance at home field?  Hopefully they can blow out these teams now that they are in Nov/Dec playoff mode...
Ray Fittipaldo
Bengals on the road won't be easy especially if they're still in the hunt for a playoff spot, and they should be because the AFC wild card race is wild. About six or seven teams still have a shot. Baltimore at home won't be easy either. I know the Ravens' offense is challenged, but their defense is very good. I could see that being a close, low-scoring game.
On his interception Sunday, Mike Hilton looked like he was playing safety. What was he doing so deep?
Ray Fittipaldo
He's capable of playing safety. He's a very versatile defensive back. They have different alignments for certain defense. That was a third-and-8 play so they likely were in dime. Usually Gay is deeper on those calls, but Hilton can interchange with almost any of the CBs in their packages.
Infantile Grisnile
Ray do you think Ben's improved performance Thursday night was due to better mechanics, receivers finally making plays, or something else?
Ray Fittipaldo
His receivers did make some plays for him. And I think the no-huddle and scoring first got him off to a very good start. Things kind of leveled off late in the first and in the second quarter, but he got it back together in the second half.
Do you think that, QBs aside, Antonio Brown is the MVP of the NFL?
Ray Fittipaldo
He'd be at the top of the list if you're not including QBs. He's having another phenomenal season.
Seems like abandoning the run and focusing on the pass worked wonders. Do uou expect to see more of that formula or is it a matter of what type of defense they face?
Ray Fittipaldo
Depends on the defense they face. Dick LeBeau is the DC in Tennessee so we knew that was a possibility. When he was the DC of the Steelers we saw that game plan quite a bit, and it was effective just as it was Thursday night.
Infantile Grisnile
Ray has the emergence of the Ravens as a potential playoff contender surprised you? Is the AFC just having a down year?
Ray Fittipaldo
Not a great year for the AFC. As I mentioned earlier a bunch of .500 or losing teams are still in contention. The Ravens have a good defense. That counts for something. I know I'd rather face a bunch of other teams in the playoffs other than the Ravens.
Shaif jetha
What ever happened to trips? With Eli. Antonio. Juju or Bryant. Line them up bunches and see if a defence can cover. Let Ben fire as he sees fit? Rarely used now!!
Ray Fittipaldo
I can't recall if they used trips to one side vs. Tennessee, but they had three WRs on the field at the same time quite a bit early on vs. the Titans. Maybe not configured in trips to one side, but they used it.
What are the chances that the Ravens game is flexed out of primetime?
Ray Fittipaldo
Depends on the other games on the schedule, and I haven't looked that far ahead. I doubt they flex that game though. It's Steelers-Ravens, which is always good for ratings. And it's looking like the Ravens will still be in contention for the playoffs by then.
Will the NFL flex the Steelers game this week against the packers? Or will they play their scheduled time for prime time?
Ray Fittipaldo
Those decisions are made a week or two out, and it was decided a while back this game will stay in prime time.
Do you see us rolling with the no huddle again this week?
Ray Fittipaldo
Don't know how much, but I think you will see it.
Lambert Guy
Comment more that question I guess Ray.  Excited about the progress that I see in individuals and the team as the season progresses.  I was disappointed Thursday night to hear the crowd boo Bryant when he missed what should have been a routine completion.  I didn't hear a corresponding cheer for him when through hustle and heads up play he was there to recover the fumble on AB's catch just before half.  Too me, that showed progress for a guy that three weeks ago was a spectator because of his immaturity.
Ray Fittipaldo
Good point. That was a nice hustle play by Bryant.