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Meg Rowley FanGraphs Chat - 3/17/2020
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Meg Rowley
Getting dudes back from injury is likely a help (Yankees, Braves, etc) but also, the long layoff might be bad for some (obviously all of this is very, very bad, but). It's just so weird!
Why is it so hard to convince old people to shelter in place?
Meg Rowley
I have been struck by how many of my fellow 30-somethings have struggled to convince their parents to take this seriously. I think that has shifted meaningfully in the last few days, but there was a while when it was pretty grim.
Now, if you look at the pics of folks lined up for bars last Saturday, a lot of them were young! There isn't an age floor or ceiling on foolish behavior.
Rays fan in OH
If a team wins the WS of a significantly shortened season, do you think that cheapens the win and is it fair to the team if so?
Meg Rowley
I don't think so. I think every dumb game is going to feel like a miracle this year.
We're going to be so amped to watch the Tigers play the Mariners.
Meg Rowley
This is just hilariously irresponsible. I know this isn't a big gathering, but folks, if you are able to, stay home.
Is the draft even going to happen? Outside of the first few picks it seems like it'd be totally random
Meg Rowley
You're underestimating how much of the scouting has already been done. But it does mean that this year's version of Keoni Cavaco might go a lot later than he otherwise might.
Bill Mrray
Do you see this shortened season positively or negatively affecting the free agent market next offseason?
Meg Rowley
I guess it in part depends on how much teams actually end up having to pay guys this year, but I'd also imagine that the lack of revenue will be pointed to as a reason for austerity. But it is really, really hard to say.
This sucks
No games today
This is taking #cantpredictball to a really unhealthy level
Meg Rowley
This super sucks. It isn't the most important part of the way this sucks, but man, this super sucks.
Stuck in Snohomish
On a small positive note, searching for "banging scheme" on Wikipedia automatically redirects to the article "Houston Astros sign stealing scandal".
Meg Rowley
We are sometimes very moderately blessed
Sorry if you've answered this any number of times but what does FanGraphs (and maybe sports writing in general) look like during an extended absence of baseball/sports?
Meg Rowley
Some things are easy to tell you for sure - we'll keep writing and thinking and podcasting about baseball, we'll keep trying to give you something to take your mind off things, we'll continue to appreciate you reading the site.
Others are trickier - we're going to have to flexible on the timing of positional power rankings, for instance.
It's going to be tricky - the offseason winding down is always welcome because it is just a lot easier to write about baseball when there is baseball!
If you think of things you want to see on the site, though, we're all ears.
If MLB allowed one fan per stadium as a social distancing measure and you had the chance to be that one fan for a Mariners game, would you attend?
Meg Rowley
if I could do it without compromising the safety of ballpark staff, 10000000%
just 1000000000000000%
Firstly, I hope you are safe and healthy. I know Washington is particularly suffering right now. Hope you are well! I digress, How are teams going to handle contracts and free agents? Will Mookie ever play for the dodgers? What is your take? Did the Dodgies give up Downs and #Verdugs for nothing?
Meg Rowley
It is just a very weird possibility! But maybe?
When was the last time you were outside?
Meg Rowley
Yesterday! I made sure I wasn't close to anyone else, but went for a long walk. The CDC's guidance isn't that you never leave your house at all - it's that you practice social distancing.
Mason N
You can bring back one uniform component from any time in baseball history for today's game, what are they wearing out there?
Meg Rowley
Gimme them White Sox shorts and lapels, oh baby
you think the best weird thing about it is the shorts, but it's actually the lapels
I've seen lots of people here and in yesterdays' chats say that when they WFH they forget to take breaks from their work.  But I usually forget to stop my breaks and get back to work.  What does that say about me?
Meg Rowley
That working from home manifests differently for everyone and that there isn't a single approach to doing it well.
Innocent Team Owner
Saw on Deadspin that the NFL is actually cycling through players more than ever. How quickly can this happen with the MLB as the NCAA pipeline gets reinforced? Between capped spending and unlivable MiL wages, surely we are primed to have our own more powerful head on the NCAA hydra
Meg Rowley
I'm not reading the new Deadspin
Hi Meg! Thanks for being awesome. I managed to pick up both Cactus League and The Resisters from my local branch of the Seattle Public Library before they closed. Should I save the episode where you discuss these for later when I've read them, or would that episode be just as fun for someone who's about half done with Cactus League and soon to pick up The Resisters? Again, thanks for being here! I mean, not literally here, duh, social distancing is great.
Meg Rowley
I would wait until you've read them
they aren't super full of spoilers, but I think the conversation is more interesting having had the context of the book