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Meg Rowley FanGraphs Chat - 3/17/2020
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Meg Rowley
books, rather
Did you see the fangraphs projections of shortened seasons this morning? It didnt seems to change outcomes drastically
Meg Rowley
(who do you think edited those pieces?)
as the season gets shorter, more and more changes
It isn't always super dramatic but it can be meaningful
So...I know you watch football. Are my Texans basically the Dave Stewart era D-Backs right now? *Insert sad, depressed I need a stiff drink face here*
Meg Rowley
I think any time that the coach is the GM, we learn interesting stuff about how they prioritize perceived coachability, but also man, that's a bad trade.
Are you on board for baseball during December? What would that look like? All games played in domes? where would the Twins play? Where would Atlanta play?
Meg Rowley
You'd have to play inside in all likelihood. Even if you're not getting rained or snowed on, it's going to be cold... also, we don't have a flu shot-like vaccine for COVID-19. Are we really keen to get a bunch of people in a crowded space as we go back into what might come to be understood as cold, flu, and COVID-19 season?
How will shortened NCAA baseball season affect this year's draft?
Meg Rowley
You're getting fewer looks at guys, though as I mentioned, it isn't as if teams are just now assembling their boards.
Do you listen to music while you work? If so, what kind of music?
Meg Rowley
Really depends on what I'm doing, and what my attention is like that day. Instrumental stuff is generally very safe - sometimes music with lyrics are too distracting.
This is a very specific recommendation, but I've found the Stranger Things score very nice to work to.
Thoughts on a snappier name than "Covid-19"?  The Covvie?  The Cove?
Meg Rowley
people seem to be trying to make 'rona happen, though I'm not sure how well that is going, or whether I want them to succeed
Has the possibility of a baseball strike next year increased or deceased now that we have shortened season?
Meg Rowley
good god
Well the current CBA expires at the conclusion of next season, so I'd expect if there is a stoppage, it'll be in 2022.
I don't say this to downplay the serious issues that face labor but I'd imagine next year, people just want to play ball
and get paid to play ball
Starting to think there might not be any baseball at all. What player will you regret not having a season the most?
Meg Rowley
Not seeing the minor leaguers is just really very rough. All of it is bad, but there are guys who being a year older is going to shape our opinion of.
Has MLB mentioned any metrics or benchmarks they'll be looking for regarding when it's safe to restart the season? Is it just going to be when the CDC gives the ok? Seems like an extremely tricky calculus (and not just for baseball, obviously...).
Meg Rowley
I imagine they've discussed that internally but my sense is that CDC guidance is really driving a lot of this, along with the reality on the ground in places like Seattle, New York, San Francisco, etc.
Ok pals, I need to get rolling. Again, we really appreciate you sticking with us through this. We'll do our very best to give you a port in the storm.
In the meantime, please make smart choices, not only for yourself but for others. Donate to food banks if you can. Practice patience and compassion as best you're able - stress (and sadly, possibly grief) does a number on folks. We're all going to have moments of being wigged out, or snappish with loved ones. We'll all just do the best we can to help each other through.
Try to have the best week you can. Until next week!