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Mark P
Since the Cubs/Cardinals game is in a weather delay, the Weekend Chat is suddenly the biggest show in baseball.  Let's start the party by answering some questions!
Cubs Fan
Thoughts on Acuña injury?
Mark P
We'll know more after the MRI, but Acuna's postgame comments sounded cautiously optimistic.  If he misses "only" a month, that's a best-case scenario.
What would it take to get Eric fedde from the white Sox?
Mark P
Right now?  Quite a bit, given how it's still a long ways until the deadline, and asking prices for any decent trade piece are high.  The Sox especially will be looking to sell as high as possible on Fedde, since as good as he has looked this season, his lack of a proven MLB track record is a concern.

That same reason will mitigate what the Cards or other teams might offer for Fedde, but with two more months of quality pitching, teams will have more data on Fedde's work and might feel more comfortable about giving up a decent return.  Remember, Fedde is under contract through 2025 as well, so he isn't a flier of a rental piece.
In regards to St. Louis in particular, there's also the question of whether the Cards will be buyers at all at the deadline.  Landing someone like Fedde might be a hedge since he can help in 2025 as well, however.
MLBTR’s #4 fan
Is stott legit? Or is this just a hot streak?
Mark P
He's making very little in the way of hard contact, but the rest of his secondary numbers are so good that not much (or any?) regression could be in order.  Stott is a former first-round pick, don't forget, so it's not like this breakout is coming out of thin air.
You surprised by the Royals start?   Can they keep this up?
Mark P
I think I've been asked this in the last few chats now, and my answer has gone from "nah, I still expect them to come back to reality" to last week's "I'm starting to come around on them."

Since KC almost literally hasn't lost since last week's chat, I'm getting even more comfortable with the idea that they could be legitimate.  They still need outfield help, however, and losing Massey to the IL is quietly a big deal since he's been playing so well
Polar Bear
where am I come August?
Mark P
The Mets will surely be issuing Alonso a qualifying offer if he stays on the team into October.  However, since the Mets surely won't be able to get under the luxury tax line, they'd only receive a pick after the fourth round of the 2025 draft if Alonso did reject the QO and sign elsewhere.

So in short, teams will have to offer more than the value of like the 135th overall pick, which isn't a huge barrier to cross.  How much Steve Cohen wants to keep Alonso is certainly a factor, as while New York would trade Alonso and then try to re-sign him, that adds another layer of complication to the winter's proceedings.
The Mariners stand out as the contender in most severe need of first base help, so if Alonso is available, expect a lot of Seattle/NY rumors
Angels fan
Why would they trade one of their better pitchers. They need to add a starter. It’s hard to know what to make of them
Mark P
The Angels aren't going to be in contention, so they should be open for business on just about anyone at the deadline.  Moving Tyler Anderson, for instance, seems quite feasible.
Jessica Z
Does a trade package surrounding Lux and Cartaya get us anything back ?
Mark P
Not as much as a Dodger fan would want, since Lux and Cartaya have both seen their value diminish over the last two seasons.
Expansion NOT
MLB retraction before expansion? Possible?
Mark P
Not a chance.
Worried in LA
Are the dodgers broken?
Mark P
Lots of good teams have five-game losing streaks at some point during a season.  Nothing to worry about.
Baseball fan
Are the Jays done? What happens next?
When will blue jays sell?
What a disastrous for the Blue Jays. Assuming they are sellers, is Jordan Romano a closer on a contending team like the Royals?
Jays fan
The Blue Jays can’t hit. Bats start showing some life, the bullpen can’t pitch. Any chance at all this team can get it together?
If it’s up to you, Vlad and Bo: trade or no trade?
Do you see either of Bo Bichette or Vlad Guerrero Jr being on the SF Giants  radar? Can Farhan pull the trigger to finally trade for a star?
Mark P
As you might expect, a lot of disappointed Toronto fans have joined the chat.  The Jays have had some bursts of offense within the last week, but the bottom line is that the lineup still has far too many inconsistent and underperforming players, and they collectively just can't seem to hit with runners in scoring position.  Beyond that problem, the bullpen has also been really shaky, as today's game underlined.

While it's only late May, the Jays are already in a pretty big hole, and they just simply don't seem to have the talent to dig out.  Whether a managerial or coaching change can even help at this point is an open question, if this roster is just too flawed to contend.
With all this in mind, I don't expect the Jays to truly decide about selling until after the All-Star break, unless they really bottom out in the next six weeks of play.  While Ross Atkins has made some bold moves in the past, the fact that the front office took such a conservative approach in the offseason makes me think they simply had too much belief in their core group.
Beach Bum
What are the chances of tbe Tigers going after Soto in the offseason if he makes it to free agency.  They seem to have room for his salary and could sure use his bat.  Gunshy of mega contracts after the last few years of Miggys being painful? P.S. Juan Soto, definitely not Gregory!
Mark P
I wouldn't be surprised if Detroit checks in out of due diligence, but I don't see the Tigers suddenly splurging on what would probably have to be the biggest (non-deferred) contract in baseball history
Mile High
How much does Elias Diaz bring back in a trade?
Mark P
He's a free agent after the season, hitting well, owed a very manageable $4MM remaining on a $6MM salary, and the Rockies aren't in contention.  On paper, Diaz is a very logical trade candidate....except this is the Rockies we're talking about.  There probably stands a better chance that they'll keep Diaz in the hopes of extending him than of a trade.
Why isn't Joey Oritz in the starting lineup everyday? Dunn is giving them nothing?
Mark P
In fairness, Ortiz has been starting just about every game, but the Brewers want to rest him occasionally and give Dunn the odd start against a right-handed pitcher.
Rest assured, the Brewers know what they have in Ortiz, and he has earned that extra playing time with his solid performance
87, 91 Champs
Twins gonna win it?  I still dont buy the Guardians, Royals, or Tigers.  Bigger the holes than even the Twinks.
Mark P
While I wouldn't be surprised if the Twins got hot again or at least one of the Guards/Royals faltered, this is looking like it's going to be a very competitive AL Central.
Mr. Bananagrabber
Mark P
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